The Most Precise 3-D Map of the Milky Way Yet

3D Milky Way

European space agency (ESA) had launched a space telescope in 2013 named GAIA that measures the positions and distances of stars with extraordinary precision. In the most recent star map, the GAIA spacecraft plots 1.7 billion stars.

GAIA telescope screens a billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy. The extraordinary survey uncovers properties of each star, including temperature, radiance and physical structure. The subsequent 3D-map shows the genuine structure of our region of the Milky Way, which is hard to decide from the Earth’s position within the galaxy system.

On April 25, the European Space Agency’s GAIA group discharged the shuttle’s second collection of information, assembled from July 2014 to May 2016, used to make the map.  The count incorporates estimations of half a million quasars, the dynamic black holes at the center of distant galaxies, and 14,099 known solar system objects (generally space rocks), observations of other adjacent universes and the measure of dust in the middle of Earth and 87 million stars

Now by using the exact position and brightness of very nearly 1.7 billion stars, the Gaia shuttle has made the most exact 3-D map of the Milky Way yet. GAIA gives information about distances and movements of stars. Knowing these distances enable astronomers to decode insights about the Milky Way’s shape and history. ESA’s scientists said that by using Gaia, we can reconstruct the whole history of milky Ways.

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