41.6 C
Tuesday, June 25, 2024

How Many Glasses of Water You Need to Drink in a...

Many of us use to drink 8 glasses of water in a day. But drinking 8 glasses of water is a very hard task...

5 Essential ways to have a Good day

Almost all of us work in environments where our time is stretched far too thin. There's a big difference between having a great, productive day...

KPK’s First DNA Lab Inaugurated

Finally, first DNA lab is inaugurated in Khyber Medical College today on 06th Feb 2018. Now all forensic test can be conducted in KPK,...

5 benefits of Cauliflower we bet you never knew

Cauliflower is just in many recipes for taste but recently a research says that not just taste it also provides many nutritional benefits. 1)Improve Heart...

Renowned Pakistani Actor Sajid Hassan’s Hair Translpant gets him into a...

Famous Pakistani Actor Sajid Hassan had a worst experience of hair transplant. A video of him went viral on social media, where he narrated...

LED Bulb taken out from the lungs of an Infant

Mumbai: LED bulb removed from the lungs of a seven months old baby girl. Areeba Khan, the baby girl who swallowed LED bulb while...

Secure your children future by just one step

Recently a search has established that instead of sugar and fat salt is harming children every day. According to American Association of Pediatrics (AAP)...

How to have a good sleep for another amazing day?

If you want to have another awesome day tomorrow you should do there 5 things every night. A physiotherapist said when he saw his patient...